Monday, October 27, 2008

my heart is smiling...

oh how i love getting mail, especially packages, particularly packages from my friends/family in KY. my dear friend stephanie sent me a lovely "birthday" goodie box today full of a few of my favorite things (sung in my "Sound of Music" voice)...peanut M&Ms, heath bars, chap stick, pens, headbands. steph is so thoughtful, caring, genuine, faithful (i could go on and on) and always gives excellent gifts. i miss her face and her warm heart...if you know her you're lucky, if you don't, get to know her soon...she is WONDERFUL (and she always has a lunchbox full of yummy treats)! thanks steph for making my heart smile and thanks for the best gift you given me...your friendship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny,
I am so glad you got the package. I am sorry that you didn't get it on your Birthday but I hope you enjoy all the stuff. Thank you for all those sweet comments. You are going to love that chapstick. I got me one as well and it's now my Favorite one. :o) I figured since you weren't here to get into my lunchbox I would send you some of the treats inside. Enjoy the rest of your week. I miss you and hope to see you soon.